Are Your Financial Goals Achievable? The Importance of Having “Your Number”

POSTED BY Mitchell Kauffman, Managing Director, Certified Financial Planner™ ON February, 08, 2021
Regardless of your level of affluence, studies show that you need to know what you want out of life before you can achieve it. So states the wisdom of Lee Eisenberg in his bestseller, The Number: A Completely Different Way...

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Will Your Withdrawal Plan Sustain You Through Retirement?

“Looking before you leap…” isn’t nearly as important as knowing how and where you will land. This rendition of Samuel Butler’s famous quote has no more fitting application than when considering retirement planning. More than ever, people are retiring with...

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How Can You Prepare for the Top Retirement Challenges?

It has been said that the aging of baby boomers—those born between 1946 and 1964—is analogous to a bowling ball moving through a python. At each life stage, the vast numbers of boomers have made significant impacts on our society....

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How Can Stealth Inflation Threaten Your Retirement?

How can it be in recent years that gas prices exceeded $4 per gallon and food prices rose, yet inflation, as measured by Consumer Price Index hovered around the 2 to 3 percent range?  Does there seem to be a...

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Financial Confidence in Retirement: 10 Planning Mistakes to Avoid

POSTED BY Mitchell Kauffman, Managing Director, Certified Financial Planner™ ON June, 22, 2016
As more Baby Boomers approach their golden years, they are faced with a plethora of challenges. Especially for those with greater resources, the issues can be formidable. To the extent that these are effectively addressed, the promise of those Golden...

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How Can You Avoid the Top 10 Estate Planning Pitfalls

June, 22, 2016
Upon your death, the best thing you can do for loved ones is allow them to resolve your estate quickly and easily, so they can get on with their lives. But people often fall into 10 estate planning traps. Here...

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A Unique Approach to Life Transitions

POSTED BY Mitchell Kauffman, Managing Director, Certified Financial Planner™ ON June, 22, 2016
“What am I going to do after I retire?” “How can I stay relevant?” “Do I have all of my bases covered to help assure financial independence after I stop working?” Certainly questions such as these are often posed by...

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Are You Effectively Managing Your Social Security Retirement Benefits?

POSTED BY Mitchell Kauffman, Managing Director, Certified Financial Planner™ ON June, 22, 2016
With employment opportunities becoming increasingly challenging for seniors, more and more clients in their 60s are addressing social security issues sooner than they expected, and many of them have these questions: Early Retirement Benefits: When should I begin taking my...

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Will Your Tax Plan Help Sustain Your Retirement Nest Egg

POSTED BY Mitchell Kauffman, Managing Director, Certified Financial Planner™ ON May, 28, 2016
“Goodbye tension, hello pension.” This well-known retirement quip speaks to the financial security we hope to achieve when work becomes optional. With the demise of employer-sponsored pension plans, however, creating a sustainable lifetime income stream can seem more challenging than...

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What Are Your Retirement Expenses? For How Long Can Your Savings Cover Them?

POSTED BY Mitchell Kauffman, Managing Director, Certified Financial Planner™ ON March, 27, 2016
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” –Mark Twain Bringing Mark Twain’s positive perspective to our retirement years can make all the difference in helping make these years truly “golden.” That said,...

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